I Saw That!

One woman's opinions about popular entertainment.

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Amateur boxing coach, Christian (but not so heavenly-minded that I'm no earthly good) singer, writer, self-defense advocate, childfree. feminist www.smartwomenboxingtraining.org

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"That's My Bush!" (2001)

This series, shown on Comedy Central, has the distinction of being the only TV series that parodied a U.S. President who happened to be sitting in the Oval Office at the time. I don't like the other series that creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have--the crude cartoon "South Park", but I loved this nutty show.

President George Walker Bush (Timothy Bottoms) is an idiot who somehow made it into the White House. His wife Laura (Carrie Quinn Dolin) is smarter than him, but not by a whole lot. She's a bit of a witch, too. Karl Rove (Kurt Fuller) is an uptight guy with a lot of ugly secrets in his past. Princess Stevenson (Kristen Miller) is the President's dim bulb assistant. Larry O'Shea (John D'Aquino) is a wacky next door neighbor(!) who just pops in, seemingly without being stopped by Secret Service. The only one who seems to have any common sense is the maid, Maggie Hawley (Marcia Wallace), who insults Bush every chance she gets. It's easy to do, because he can't think quick enough to come back with something witty.

In addition to making fun of the President, the show was also a parody of old sitcoms. George would get himself into some trouble, like inviting his old frat buddies to stay at the White House, or taking drugs by mistake, and Laura would show him the errors of his ways at the end of each episode. One episode had George getting kicked out of his job by the Vice-President, then getting fired from a series of jobs until becoming a professional wrestler. Another episode found George being assaulted by a pro-choice advocate while the deformed result of an unsuccessful abortion looked on. Extremely crazy show.

It lasted less than a season. The official reason was that the show had become too expensive to produce, but I wonder. The stance of the real President was to ignore the show, but maybe pressure from his cronies led to the show's demise. Something to think about.

Timothy Bottoms resembles the current president a lot; a bit scary that was. Bottoms is best known for appearing in the classic film The Last Picture Show (1971). Marcia Wallace was the receptionist to Dr. Hartley on the 1970's sitcom, "The Bob Newhart Show".


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