Soul Food (1997)
Set in Chicago, the plot centers on Mama Joe (Irma P. Hall), the matriarch of a family that includes her daughters lawyer Teri (Vanessa L. Williams), housewife Maxine (Vivica A. Fox), and beautician Bird (Nia Long). Every Sunday, Mama Joe cooks up a huge soul food dinner for the family.
Mama Joe's diabetes flares up, and she ends up hospitalized. With the core person who held the family together down and out, tensions flare, especially between Teri and Maxine. There is already a long simmering feud between the two: Kenny (Jeffrey D. Sams) dated Teri when they were teens, but cheated on her with Maxine. Kenny and Maxine later got married. Teri married Miles (Michael Beach), and their marriage is showing signs of wear and tear. Bird is newly married to Lem (Mekhi Phifer), an ex-offender trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Bird's ex, an odious sort named Simuel (Mel Jackson), attempts to interfere in their marriage. The sisters tussel with each other about how to handle Mama Joe's affairs.
Soul Food is a warm hearted look at middle class African-American life, a part of society that is sadly, still not shown enough on screen. There are many "Big Mamas" like Mama Joe in the African-American community who are the rocks of their family. Irma P. Hall's character is well aware of her daughters' disagreements and rivlaries, but she understands her girls as the individuals they are. Vanessa L. Williams is good here as a somewhat icy woman who doesn't realize her husband is growing away from her.
There is a long shot of a table loaded down with soul food staples: greens, cornbread, chicken, macaroni and cheese, etc. Made me hungry! I was looking for a soul food restaurant once I left the movie theater.
Mama Joe's diabetes flares up, and she ends up hospitalized. With the core person who held the family together down and out, tensions flare, especially between Teri and Maxine. There is already a long simmering feud between the two: Kenny (Jeffrey D. Sams) dated Teri when they were teens, but cheated on her with Maxine. Kenny and Maxine later got married. Teri married Miles (Michael Beach), and their marriage is showing signs of wear and tear. Bird is newly married to Lem (Mekhi Phifer), an ex-offender trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Bird's ex, an odious sort named Simuel (Mel Jackson), attempts to interfere in their marriage. The sisters tussel with each other about how to handle Mama Joe's affairs.
Soul Food is a warm hearted look at middle class African-American life, a part of society that is sadly, still not shown enough on screen. There are many "Big Mamas" like Mama Joe in the African-American community who are the rocks of their family. Irma P. Hall's character is well aware of her daughters' disagreements and rivlaries, but she understands her girls as the individuals they are. Vanessa L. Williams is good here as a somewhat icy woman who doesn't realize her husband is growing away from her.
There is a long shot of a table loaded down with soul food staples: greens, cornbread, chicken, macaroni and cheese, etc. Made me hungry! I was looking for a soul food restaurant once I left the movie theater.
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