I Saw That!

One woman's opinions about popular entertainment.

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Amateur boxing coach, Christian (but not so heavenly-minded that I'm no earthly good) singer, writer, self-defense advocate, childfree. feminist www.smartwomenboxingtraining.org

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Experiment In Terror (1962)

Kelly Sherwood (Lee Remick) returns home from a party, parks her car in the garage, and gets the shock of her life. A man grabs her and tells her she will steal $100,000 from the bank where she works. If she doesn't comply, he'll kill her or her younger sister, Toby (Stefanie Powers). The man, named Red Lynch (Ross Martin), warns her that he'll be watching her every move, so there'll be no alerting the police. Kelly calls the FBI anyway, and connects with an agent named Ripley (Glenn Ford). Once a check on Lynch's background reveals the man is even more psychotic than previously thought -- and a body turns up -- the race is on to stop him.

This is a very taut thriller. Remick's character is continually under stress, and at times it looks as if she will crumble. Martin's character is very creepy, even using disguises to unnerve his victim. The camera angles make you wonder who is watching whom in various scenes.

Ms. Remick appeared in the original version of the horror movie The Omen (1976). Ms. Powers was in two TV series, "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E."(1966-1967) and "Hart To Hart"(1979-1984). Mr. Martin, a fine character actor, also did a lot of TV work including, "Mr. Lucky"(1959-1960) and "The Wild, Wild West" (1965-1970). Blake Edwards directed this movie. His TV and film work include the aforementioned "Mr. Lucky", "Peter Gunn" (1959-1961), 10 (1979), and The Pink Panther (1963).

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