"The Kids In The Hall" (1992-1995)
This sketch comedy show featuring five guys from Canada--David Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson--did not get good reviews when it was first aired on HBO, but it grew in popularity as time went along.
The comedy was pretty raunchy at times, with gross out, sex and gay jokes galore. Some of the reoccuring characters were a bitter old man who went around grumbling about cutting off the heads of his alleged enemies; a couple of frumpy female office workers who dished on their co-workers; an international movie actress/drama queen named Franchesca who appeared in movies with her boyfriend, Bruno Ponce Jones; Buddy, the flamboyant owner of a gay bar; and Chicken Lady, an unfortunate half-bird, half-human gal who was always looking for love. Unconventional to the end, the guys said goodbye to the studio audience, went to a field, and were buried alive during the last episode of the show, complete with a tombstone announcing the birth and death of their show.
The comedy was pretty raunchy at times, with gross out, sex and gay jokes galore. Some of the reoccuring characters were a bitter old man who went around grumbling about cutting off the heads of his alleged enemies; a couple of frumpy female office workers who dished on their co-workers; an international movie actress/drama queen named Franchesca who appeared in movies with her boyfriend, Bruno Ponce Jones; Buddy, the flamboyant owner of a gay bar; and Chicken Lady, an unfortunate half-bird, half-human gal who was always looking for love. Unconventional to the end, the guys said goodbye to the studio audience, went to a field, and were buried alive during the last episode of the show, complete with a tombstone announcing the birth and death of their show.
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